Week - 59
After nearly a decade of "monotoring" the state of the world's top single-brow-endowed citizens,
it's safe to say that we've seen monobrows of all shapes and sizes. As such, there are very few images that make us raise
our eyebrow in interest and at this point in our mono-careers, it takes a brow genuinely unique.
(That's probably why we haven't updated the website in more than 5 years.) Needless to say, when that hot and hairy blogger
Stevil K sent a photo of European heartthrob "uni"cyclist,
Stephano Kineviltini, we had to dust off our html skills and update the damn site. Thanks Stevil, for reminding us about the important things in life.
Monobrow.com - We're moved by the grace of that catipillar like growth in between your eyes.
At Monobrow.com, we don't view having one eyebrow as a grotesque, freakish human deformity.
On the contrary.
We think you are special (and not the kind of special where you wear a helmet.)
The kind of special where people look at the hairy, catipillar-like growth above your eyes and say, "Oh my God! What the hell is that thing?"
You're not alone.
Monobrow.com, celebrating the unity of your eyebrows.