Week - 24
After receiving critical acclaim for his recent Novel, "Me and my Upper Moustache - Living the Lie",
Edinburgh-born Poet and Screenwriter, Vincent Witherspoon is taking a much deserved break from touring
Scotland's talk show circuit. "Living life with a fake eyebrow made it easier to confront
me personal issues... I just somehow felt more connected."
At Monobrow.com, we don't view having one eyebrow as a grotesque, freakish human deformity.
On the contrary.
We think you are special (and not the kind of special where you wear a helmet.)
The kind of special where people look at the hairy, catipillar-like growth above your eyes and say, "Oh my God! What the hell is that thing?"
You're not alone.
Monobrow.com, celebrating the unity of your eyebrows.